Relapsing Polychondritis Appointment With Ologist, Rheumatologist

Relapsing Polychondritis

Appointment With Ologist, Rheumatologist


My Relapsing Polychondritis Appointment with Ologist, Rheumatologist at UCI Medical Center did not meet my unrealistic hope for a magical pill.

My visions of  my doctor’s appointment finishing with answers vanished. My dreams that my new ologist would prescribe a bottle of magic pills to me quickly evaporated.

I realize my expectations were a bit unrealistic, but still, I had hopes….

Hope is what often grounds my unrealistic life expectations.

So with some new hope, I decide to venture forward on a new road of ologist.

My new path of ologist seems necessary because my symptoms with Relapsing Polychondritis continues to progress.

What Is Relapsing Polychondritis?

Relapsing Polychondritis is a rare inflammatory disease that causes the body’s cartilage to attack and destroy itself.

There are many days when I feel my body is literary cooking and destroying its cartilage from the inside of my body.

The easiest way I can convey the feeling of my body continuously throbbing and burning is to compare that of a pot roast left inside of a crock pot without liquid and turned to a high temperature all day.

At the end the of the day the pot roast would be tough, dried out and definitely would not serve well. That well explains how my body feels with Relapsing Polychondritis.

As my Relapsing Polychondritis symptoms gained momentum, I sought a fresh pair of eyes to review my stacks of health history. The Rheumatologist asked question after question as he read through my previous labs.

After he had asked dozens of questions, he began to mention different ologist. My heart sunk. I was disappointed to yet have to go on the Merry Go Around of ologist.

I understand this doctor needs other specialists input, my current labs but I had wanted the doctor to have that, “aha moment.” A moment where he instantly realizes how all my medical puzzle pieces connect.

I had brought my advocate, my husband David to the appointment to help the provide information that would connect my medical puzzle pieces. David does an incredible job being my advocate.

My husband always seems to ask the right questions to the doctor, provides detailed medical information and he always confirms a follow-up plan.

However, after hearing the doctor’s response to my husband’s questions, I knew it was going to be another long journey.

My new journey began with eleven large tubes of blood drawn from my left arm, and baseline X-Rays of my already overexposed radiated body.

I will move forward with my different ologist appointment, and I hope my appointment with a Genetic Specialist may shed some new light on a treatment plan.

I realize there is limited medical data, but I wholeheartedly believe Sheehan’s Syndrome suppresses my immune system and allows the domino’s of my health woes to occur.

So for now, I will continue to move forward and hope…

Click on the following link to read more about Relapsing Polychondritis.

Please note that the HypoGal website is not a substitute for any medical care or medical advice.

I have used Wikipedia on several of my links. I know that Wikipedia is a collaboration of numerous inputs that are not always one hundred percent accurate. But, I have found that Wikipedia offers the best description to many of the words that I have linked.

Please remember, the information on this site is subjective and from my personal experiences.

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