23andMe Best Genetic Testing For Personal Use
23andMe Best Genetic Testing For Personal Use
Happy Holidays!
23AndMe Best Genetic Testing For Personal Use Causes Holiday Conversation to take a wrong direction.
With mixed emotions, most of the holiday season has past. It is our family tradition to host Christmas Eve dinner at our home. Each year family fills our home; we watch the family grow, and we count our blessings.
Fortunately, I was healthy enough this year to join in the holiday cheer, laughter and conversation. Well, not so much all dinner conversation.
Irony each year before family arrives for dinner, I always remind my husband that politics and religion should steer away those conversations. I should have listened to my own advise, but I was caught up in the heat of the moment.
A family member chatted about their ethnicity, and I knew they were not aware of the genetic tests I had run. So, in poor judgement, I choose that time to offer an update on our background.
Oh my mistake, nobody wants to be corrected or surprised in front of others. I should have let the conversation go, but I did not…
The other members of my diverse family were intrigued with the information. We chatted about the advances of science and how exciting it was that the everyday person has access to genetic testing.
I proudly rambled that I was a bit of this, a bit of that and that one ethnicity did not dominate. The family member who I should not have corrected did not agree with the test results.
I have little doubt the test results are like art; subjective. I like to believe I am similar to a rainbow, and my mixed heritage creates a uniquely colored rainbow.
The wiser voices at the table echoed the biblical story of Adam and Eve. Fortunately, brighter minds prevailed, and I learned another lesson, ugh. I have strongly noted to myself that I will not speak about ethnicity during family get together.
Christmas dinner is a time to embrace our unity, not our differences. If you are interested in learning about your background 23andMe is where I ordered my information.
The test is simple: you place your salvia and a small test tube and Mail the sample to 23 and Me medical lab. 23 and Me provide easy step by step instructions.
As a side note, it is 23 because we have 23 chromosomes. Personally, I think the 23andMe test is a bit pricey but it does make a terrific gift idea.
You can search the Internet for discount coupons for 23andMe genetic testing.
I believe I found a discount for 23andMe genetic testing on the Groupon website.
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