Why How Becoming A New Mom Almost Killed Me May Save Your Life
Why How Becoming A New Mom
Almost Killed Me May Save Your Life
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Hi, It is Lisa a.k.a. HypoGal.
Life took on a new meaning March 15, 2002.
March 15, 2002, my baby girl arrived, my world changed, my eyes opened, and sadness swept me from within.
How Being A New Mom Almost Killed Me is a short story of my journey with a rare disease after the birth of her second daughter.
Numerous medical specialists insisted I was fine; that my ailments were all in my head.
Doctor after doctor told me that I was a new mother, so I was just overwhelmed, depressed.
I was depressed, fatigued and barely able to move, so I began to accept the doctor’s diagnosis of depression.
I felt the heaviness of depression rage through my body.
The source of my grief and sorrow was because I was too weak to take care of my children.
As my family watched my body deteriorate, I began to trust my instincts.
I read I read, and I read about different rare diseases.
I am a fan of Google Scholar.
I then began to advocate for myself.
Without my persistent advocation, I would be dead.
I now share with others what they must know when they are ill.
I have a new understanding of medicine.
Similar to art, medicine can be subjective.
A person can be deadly sick and have normal lab results.
I hope my story, How Becoming A New Mom Almost Killed Me shows how you need to trust yourself and your instincts.
The intent of sharing my medical short story is to hopefully, help you, someone in your family, or one of your friends.
My HypoGal short medical story, How Becoming A New Mom Almost Killed Me is about learning, acceptance, and perseverance.
Cheers To Instincts!
My Story, How Becoming A New Mom Almost Killed Me is FREE TODAY on Amazon.
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I hope you have found Why How Becoming A New Mom Almost Killed Me May Save Your Life, informative.
You can find additional shortcuts to living with a chronic illness on the HypoGal Website.
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