Four Laws You Must Know When Hiring A Disability Attorney

Four Laws You Must Know When Hiring A Disability Attorney

Four Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Disability Attorney

Four Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Disability Attorney

Four Laws You Must Know When Hiring A Disability Attorney

The application maze for Social Security Disability Insurance (S.S.D.I.) can make many applicants feel confused and frustrated.

Numerous Social Security Disability Insurance applicants find the complexity of the forms overwhelming.

Approximately 70% of all Social Security Disability Insurance SSDI applicants are denied on their first application.

Many of Social Security Disability Insurance claims are denied because the application was not completed correctly.

It may be in your best interest to hire a disability attorney.

If you chose to hire a disability lawyer you need to be aware of the law that an attorney must follow:

  • It is against the law for a Social Security lawyer to collect an upfront fee from you.
  • A lawyer may only collect a small fee for postage and to obtain copies of your medical records.
  • Your Social Security attorney fee may not exceed $6,000 or 25% of your back pay, whichever is less.
  • Even if your case goes on for years your attorney will not receive payment unless you win.


I hope this HypoGal Blog Post has helped answer: Four Laws You Must Know When Hiring A Disability Attorney.

If you have had a positive experience with a disability attorney then please give me a shout out-

You can read about my experience with Disability Insurance and Disability Lawyers on #1 Amazon Ranked book on Disability Insurance, HypoGal and Disability Benefits.

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