HypoGal's Mother's Day 2016

A Relapsing Polychondritis Mother’s Day Story 2016  This morning my girls sang in the kitchen as they created delicious blueberry pancakes topped with whip cream. My Mother’s Day breakfast was perfect and matched the rest of my day. The reminder of my My Mother’s Day was a beautiful blend of family, movie, game, barbecue and…

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Types of Sheehan's Syndrome

Two Forms of Sheehan’s Syndrome There appears to be two forms of the Sheehan Syndrome disorder; A Chronic Form An Acute Form The type of Sheehan’s Syndrome, a woman suffers from depends on the amount of damage to their Pituitary Gland’s cells. An Acute Sheehan’s Syndrome disorder reflects considerable damage, so Sheehan Syndrome symptoms become…

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What Do I Deserve? What do I deserve? The answer to, “What do I deserve?” does not have clarity. I seek clarity from my brain fogged, chronically ill world. As the years past I understand why some people do not talk about their past. Sad times, unsettling moments create a selective memory. Today the realization of…

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List of Pituitary Gland Diseases List of Pituitary Gland Diseases Your pituitary gland is a tiny organ about the size the of a pea and is located at the base of the brain. The Pituitary Gland is often referred to as the body’s “Master Gland” because it produce hormones that travel throughout the body. The…

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What Is Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance Why You Need Disability Insurance Denial, not wanting to spend the funds, more denial are reasons workers fool themselves into thinking the disability insurance is not a high priority to invest their income. Alarming, the reality is a twenty-year-old worker have a twenty-five percent chance of being disability statistic.1 According to the Social…

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