Diseases of the Endocrine System

Endocrine Diseases   What Causes Endocrine Diseases? Endocrine diseases occur when the body’s endocrine feedback system produces too much or too little of a particular hormone. The endocrine’s feedback system enables the body to signal gland or glands the correct amount of hormone needed. if the endocrine feedback does not work properly, then Endocrine Disease…

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What Are The Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome?

What Causes Cushing’s Syndrome? What Causes Cushing’s Syndrome? You being to notice some of the Cushing Syndrome Symptoms: Your stomach resembles a large beer belly You have red stretch marks on your stomach Your neck mirrors a buffalo hump Your face is puffy Your exhausted, beyond tired  Cushing’s Disease is the opposite of Adrenal Insufficiency.…

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What Are The Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome?

What Is Cushing’s Syndrome? Cushing’s Syndrome is when too much cortisol hormone is released into the body. The additional cortisol released into the body can cause havoc on the body. Cushing’s Syndrome is also known  as Hypercortisolism. Cushing’s Syndrome disease is more frequent in women than men. The most often seen age range for people…

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