Alternative Treatment for Glioblastoma Cancer, Relapsing Polychondritis and Sheehan’s Syndrome
Alternative Treatment for Glioblastoma Cancer, Relapsing Polychondritis and Sheehan’s Syndrome
Lisa, Lisa, watch this 60 Minute segment on Glioblastoma cancer treatment. My husband stares at the television screen as the results of Phase 1 glioblastoma brain cancer trials are revealed.
We both watch in amazement at the past two year results from a Duke University phase 1 clinical trial. Researchers have discovered that small doses of the polio virus can enable the body’s immune system to breakdown, attack and kill glioblastoma tumors.
Medical researchers theorize the body’s immune system kicks into a higher gear to kill the polio virus. The body’s immune system that once shield the glioblastoma cancer tumor becomes receptive to T-Cells. The T-Cells attack the Glioblastoma Cancer, and the breakdown of the tumor begins. Medical Researchers were surprised by the Glioblastoma Cancer Phase 1 results.
During most Phase 1 clinical trials, data is collected, dosages may vary, and few patients receive a cure. However, the Phase 1 Glioblastoma Cancer Clinical Trials had numerous medical breakthroughs. Several Stage Four cancer patients were cured of Glioblastoma Cancer after their body received injections of the Polio Virus. The Cancer Researchers learned from trial and error the best Polio Virus dosage to inject into their patients.
The 60 Minute Show highlighted that oncologists were happily surprised that Chemotherapy may have greater success in curing patients with Glioblastoma Cancer if the patients first receive the Polio Virus. It was bittersweet to watch the Glioblastoma patients stories of the Phase 1 trail. The outcomes of the Phase 1 Polio Vaccine varied. Some Glioblastoma patients no longer had Glioblastoma Cancer , whereas, part of the phase 1 Glioblastoma patients died because of Polio Vaccine overdoses.
The use of the Polio Vaccine as an alternative medicine is a terrific reminder how medical researchers discover alternative methods to medicine.
I am fortunate to benefit from the Low Dose Naltrexone research of Dr. Bihari. The medication Naltrexone is an FDA approved medication to keep in the treatment of Heroin and alcohol addiction. Doctor Bihari discovered that Naltrexone taken in low doses provided benefit to cancer patients, fibromyalgia patients, autoimmune disease and numerous other medical ailments.
My use of Naltrexone reminds me how medical researchers have successfully found alternative uses for medicines. I use Naltrexone in a Low Dose Form to help combat the symptoms of Sheehan’s Syndrome (Hypopituitarism), Relapsing Polychondritis and Chronic Fatigue.
This Is How Low Dose Naltrexone Works:
To start to comprehend how Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) works it is necessary for you to know about Endorphins. The body’s natural Endorphins create, “feel good” opioids. Most cells in the body produce Endorphins. Dr. Bihari and other medical researchers have theorized that low levels of natural Endorphins and immune system disorders are associated.
When you take low dose naltrexone (usually, 3.5-5 mg) in the evening the LDN blocks OGF receptors for a few hours. The blockage of the OGF receptor tricks the body into the release of more Endocrines. The result of elevated Endorphins is referred to as the, “rebound effect.” Usually, the rebound effect lasts for a twenty-four hour period. However, the effects of LDN vary individually.
An individual can only utilize the “rebound effect” with the daily consumption of low dose naltrexone. The usage of a standard naltrexone dosage 50mg or the use of timed-release Naltrexone will result in the complete blockade of theOGF receptors. If the Opioid Growth Receptors become completely blocked, the “rebound effect” will not occur.
I hope you have found Alternative Treatment for Glioblastoma Cancer, Relapsing Polychondritis and Sheehan’s Syndrome to be informative.
Please note I am not a medical expert and I may have some of these concepts incorrect. However, for me, Low Dose Naltrexone has help to balance my world. Thank you Dr. Bihari for your discovery, R.I.P.
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